Drawing up EU projects

Grants from EU funds are equally tempting to public users, as well as to entrepreneurs, but drafting a project itself is a complex and demanding process that implies analytical consulting, drafting of a project proposal with a business plan and applying for funding. 

UHY experts drew up more than 150 projects that got almost one billion kuna of funds approved.


EU project consultants


Success rate of drawing up EU projects


Total number of EU funded projects


Million kunas of totally approved EU funds

Drawing up projects for tenders from the rural development program

Almost half of the total population in Croatia lives in municipalities and villages with less than 10,000 inhabitants. The Rural development programme RH 2014-2020 can advance living and working conditions for this population.

The total value of this programme is 2.4 billion euros, but it is important to know that the preparation process is demanding and implies knowledge of terminology, as well as the ability to form a project idea that will be positively assessed and approved for funding.

Drawing up the project for the Rural development programme tenders includes:

UHY experts for EU funds have experience in preparation and implementation of more than 40 projects from rural development.

Karlo Mrvić
Senior Consultant
Phone: 021 612 673
Email: savjetovanje@uhy.hr

Drawing up projects for tenders from the European Social Fund

Cities, municipalities and the civil sector have the possibility to finance employment, learning and social inclusion in their field through tenders form the European Social Fund until 2020.

The Operational Programme Efficient Human Resources has ensured a total of 1.5 billion euros that are  intended solely for:

During the preparation of the project, individual approach is extremely important as each project idea should be elaborated thoroughly from the original idea to a quality and sustainable project proposal that will be successfully judged by the evaluators. 

Our portfolio includes more than 25 drawn up and implemented projects that have been funded by the European Social Fund.

Karlo Mrvić
Senior Consultant
Phone: 021 612 673
Email: savjetovanje@uhy.hr

Drawing up projects for EU tenders for entrepreneurs

In order to reduce the significant economic and social divergences of its members, but also to increase the competitiveness of the European economy, the EU, as part of the implementation of cohesion policy (so-called solidarity policy), ensured funding for less developed members, including Croatia. 

Operational Programme Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014 – 2020 is a fundamental programming document providing 6.8 billion euros to Croatia for growth and development of jobs through infrastructure investments and the development of entrepreneurship and research activities.

UHY experts with more than 40 successfully prepared projects can help entrepreneurs with: 

Boris Pekić
Partner / direktor, Ovlašteni procjenitelj
Phone: 021 612 673
Email: savjetovanje@uhy.hr

Drawing up projects for EU tenders for public users

There are two basic Operational Programmes for the  implementation of the so-called Solidarity policy in the EU in Croatia: Efficient Human Resources 2014-2020 and Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014-2020.

The first programme is intended for “soft” projects, those that improve people’s skills, provide better social inclusion and improve and connect the public administration system to the needs of citizens.

The second programme is, to the fullest extent, intended to stimulate infrastructure investments, which we also call “hard” projects.

Public users can apply and receive grants from both programmes.

UHY experts with more than 35 project proposals for public users can help cities, municipalities, public institutions and museums with:

Boris Pekić
Partner / direktor, Ovlašteni procjenitelj
Phone: 021 612 673
Email: savjetovanje@uhy.hr

Everything a successful business needs

“The only part of the business I don’t worry about are the things that UHY takes care. So much peace of mind.”

“Expertise and professionalism-those are  the words to describe UHY. Even when we changed our headquarters and left Split, we decided to keep the accounting as we did not want to take a chance on someone new. In seven years of cooperation, they have proven  their professionalism and knowledge on numerous occasions by performing without errors and on time. “

“In the last seven years, we have collaborated with UHY HB EKONOM Ltd. on several projects. To have a contractor you can trust and at the same time is so highly professional such as UHY, makes it easier for us to work on current affairs and leaves us precious time to manage our development and growth. We never need to worry because accounting is under control.”

“We have been assured of the superior reliability and professionalism of the UHY team during our long term cooperation. It is difficult to make a mistake with UHY, but if it does happen, UHY always has quality and quick solutions.”

“We have been cooperating with UHY HB EKONOM Ltd. for many years, and I can say we have developed a valuable relationship. With their professional, confidential and, above all,expert approach, UHY made significant contributions to the development of the potential of our company.  We wish to continue to successfully collaborate together to raise the bar of quality and success in business. “

“We have been collaborating successfully with UHY for many years. It feels good to be able to dedicate the time on developing and improving our own business, knowing that we have someone to turn to with questions and problems anytime, and that we will always receive timely and professional answers. In times of constant changes in legislation, to have a partner relationship that is friendly but still and above all professional is a rarity. UHY is an excellent example of successful business collaboration that creates a different business environment that is always motivating us to simply be better!”

“We have been working with UHY for several years and they have proven to be a good and reliable partner. Their expertise and excellent tips have enabled our business to be more successful and straightforward. “

“Expertise and professionalism-those are  the words to describe UHY. Even when we changed our headquarters and left Split, we decided to keep the accounting as we did not want to take a chance on someone new. In seven years of cooperation, they have proven  their professionalism and knowledge on numerous occasions by performing without errors and on time. “

“UHY HB EKONOM is our long term partner with whom we have a very pleasant cooperation. The extremely professional UHY team is always at our disposal, and we are particularly proud of how we jointly educate charter companies about financial concerns. “

“UHY is made up of professional, responsible and competent experts who are always streaming to find solutions for the client. They are our first choice for tax and business consulting, and we recommend them gladly to our clients and partners.”

“Thanks to UHY book keeping has never been easier. “

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We celebrate 25 years of business in October 2020! We have been a member of UHY International since 2007. Since then we have grown more than five times! We started working in October 1995 as an accounting company HB EKONOM, and since then we have grown into the UHY in Croatia group, which gathers 48 experts in […]
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