Tax consulting
Tax Consulting allows the client to manage tax risks and costs, which is one of the key prerequisites for the survival and performance of the company’s business.
To make it easier for customers to navigate a big number of tax regulations, UHY tax experts continuously monitor changes, amendments, as well as interpretations of a number of tax laws and regulations that relate to the business of the client. You can use our extensive knowledge to reduce tax liabilities in legal terms and to make tax savings in regular business and investment.
If you do business around the world, our UHY network of tax experts will allow you to focus on business and market conquest, and leave tax issues to us.
Certified Tax Consultants employed
UHY offices in 100 countries around the world
UHY tax/accounting experts in 100 countries around the world
Tax consulting
Are you paying too much taxes? The answer to this question can be provided by UHY tax experts who will analyze your company’s tax costs and advise you on how to maximise tax savings, reduce tax liability within the legal frameworks, and plan future tax liabilities.
UHY Tax Consultants are of significant assistance to entrepreneurs when navigating through numerous local and international tax regulations.
The most common areas of Tax Consulting:
- Value Added Tax
- Corporate Income Tax
- Personal Income Tax
- Other regulations related to tax issues
You can engage a tax consultant on a one-time basis for tax queries, interpretation of tax law provisions, tax administration supervision, preparation of tax reports, etc.
The tax consultants are obligated to keep everything the client had entrusted to them about his business and what he learned from the business documentation as a business secret.
Tax planning
You are planning a new entrepreneurial investment, but you cannot estimate tax obligations, or how much expenses and taxes you should put into your business plan?
Croatia is a country with a high tax burden, and the interpretations of tax laws can often be contradictory, which can create difficulties for entrepreneurs, but also jeopardise the entire investment.
In the process of development of companies and investments, entrepreneurs often have the following questions:
- How much tax should I expect at the investment stage?
- What are the tax rates in individual countries and how are they calculated?
- What are the restrictions on dividend payments and profit shares?
- Is withholding tax paid on dividend payments and profit share?
- What is the regulation on transfer pricing?
- Are there tax incentives for your investment?
UHY Tax Consultants will introduce you to tax exemptions, but also how to solve potential problems you may encounter in the investment process, whether you invest in Croatia or anywhere in the world. Our global UHY tax experts are always at your disposal.
Tax due diligence
Before making a strategic decision to purchase or sell shares, investors must know the real situation of the company, which is why they order the service of due diligence of financial statements, focusing on the tax aspect of the business.
During the process of due diligence, tax liabilities of the company, i.e. income tax, personal income tax, withholding tax, VAT, transfer prices…-everything that is crucial for investors to assess the sustainability of the planned investment, is deeply analysed.
Client representation in tax procedures
The biggest stress for the average Croatian businessman is probably the realization that the ” tax officers are coming for inspection “, especially because of the conviction that tax collectors will always find some kind of a violation that means new costs. The tax administration can sometimes have far-reaching consequences for the entire company, depending on the size and importance of the eventual infringement.
One of the causes of violations is the lack of knowledge of tax laws by the client and the widespread interpretation of the tax administration, which is the reason why many employers receive sanctions and fines.
After the Tax administration presents all the shortcomings in the audit log, the taxpayer has the right to object. The objection can be independently drawn up in prescribed form and accompanied by convincing documentation.
If a licensed tax advisor participates in the drafting of the complaint and appeal, you have a much greater chance that the appeal will be successful, or that the penalties imposed or additional taxes will be reduced.
Our Tax Consultants have great experience and success in writing complaints and objections on tax reports and rulings.
Entrepreneurs who want to be ready for tax control can request “preventive supervision” before the tax administration inspection.
What does this service entail?
In this case, our tax experts prepare the company for inspection by checking the documentation and asking questions to be asked by the tax administration in case of an inspection. After establishing what the situation is, they provide solutions to correct the incorrect tax calculations.
Everything a successful business needs
More than 400 domestic and foreign entrepreneurs entrusted us with their business books, which saved them time and money. Behind our signature are knowledge, continuous education and results. Do you always want to know the true state of your finances?
We monitor changes in tax laws and regulations every day, and based on our advice, entrepreneurs make faster and more professional business decisions and enter into investments. Ask for tax advice that will reduce your tax costs.
UHY experts drew up more than 150 projects that got almost one billion kuna of funds approved.
UHY experts participated in the implementation of more than 60 projects with a high success rate of 97.3%.
More than 4,300 participants attended lectures on accounting, auditing, business and tax consulting, and EU funds. We teach using examples from Croatian practice. Check which educations lead to business success.