
Are you looking for accounting that is more than just recording accounts, payroll and compiling VAT returns? Are you expecting specific advice from your accountant on what to look out for when making certain business decisions, or how to save money? Are you doing business with foreign countries, and you are not sure if all your paperwork is right?

UHY in Croatia has offices in Zagreb and Split, employing 46 professionals. Through UHY International, we are globally networked with 8,221 independent accountants and financial experts from 308 offices in 100 countries in the world.


Certified Tax Consultants


Professionals in auditing and accounting


Employed professionals in Accounting – including 6 Certified Auditors, 4 Tax Consultants and 5 business consultants


Independent accountants around the world


Bookkeeping services, by definition, involve accounting for entrepreneurs (and small business owners), in accordance with all legal requirements, and preparation and disclosure of the statutory reports to the Tax administration office, or submission of financial statements to FINA.

In practice, this means that your accountant collects and records all incoming and outgoing invoices, cash register reports, carries out registrations and cancellations of employees at HZMO, calculates salaries and other benefits, and prepares the financial statements for the Taxation office and FINA.

What UHY accounting services include:

  • Personnel administration and payroll (registration/ deregistration of employees, salary calculations, royalty calculations, student contracts, tax cards…)

A good accountant can save time and money, but also help the entrepreneur to get the maximum financial benefit from the business in accordance with the law.

Ivana Zec
Partnerica / Direktorica, Ovlaštena porezna savjetnica
Phone: 021 381 120

Accounting Consulting

Accounting Consulting is a service whereby the client receives continuous monitoring of the correct application of the accounting regulations, General ledger entries of the accounting transactions, completeness and accuracy of financial statements – all with the goal of increasing the security of accounting records and reducing the risks in the event of an Tax Supervision.

A good accountant can save time and money, but also help the entrepreneur to get the maximum financial benefit from the business in accordance with the law.

What UHY Accounting Consulting includes:

Ivana Zec
Partnerica / Direktorica, Ovlaštena porezna savjetnica
Phone: 021 381 120

Payroll Service

Outsourcing payroll services saves time and money to small and medium companies.

How? No payments to an internal payroll officer, no investments for updating or buying software or worrying about changes in tax legislation or possible penalties due to tax non-compliance. 

What UHY Payroll Services include:

Preparation of annual financial statements


Upon completion of each business year, entrepreneurs are obliged to prepare and publicly disclose the required annual financial statements. Preparation and conducting of financial statements is often demanding work that internal employees of the company cannot perform due to personnel, expertise and time issues.

In this case, directors or Management board members seek the services of external experts who will prepare reliable and credible financial statements in accordance with legal regulations and set deadlines. 

What Financial Statements you can request from the UHY experts: 

In addition to the financial statements, UHY experts will compile additional documentation for the purpose of public disclosure ( Decision on financial statements , Allocation of Profit and Loss), i.e. GFI-POD for statistical purposes, as well as the declaration Application of Income Tax for delivery to the Tax administration office. 

We draw up all financial statements in accordance with the provisions of the law and applicable Financial Reporting Standards (CFRSI/IFRS).

Management Reports

Every management report is different, i.e. Directors/Board Members decide which items they want to see in the report whether it comes to investments, expenses, salaries, debt or else.

However, when preparing management reports, UHY experts use the following rules:

Preparation of tax reports

Companies with in house accounting may require the external preparation of the annual reports for the Tax administration. 

Entrepreneurs have deadline to submit by April 30 of the current year the following reports to the Tax Authorities:

In addition to Corporate Income Tax Declaration we also submit: 

Apart from these reports, Tax administration asks the entrepreneurs for the final calculation of membership fees to the tourist boards, monument levies and final calculation for the use of the generally useful functions of the forests that is delivered to the address of Hrvatske šume. 

Boris Pekić
Partner / direktor, Ovlašteni procjenitelj
Phone: 021 612 673

VAT Tax Refund service

VAT Tax Refund is an electronic system for VAT refund of tax administration for all taxpayers in CROATIA wishing to apply for a VAT refund from another country that is a member of the European Union. 

The request for a VAT refund through the electronic system may be submitted by:

If you have paid VAT in another EU country, and you think you are entitled to a refund, please contact us, and bring us original or scanned receipts invoices that contain the statutory data. UHY will perform the entire VAT refund procedure, which includes registering, scanning and sending invoices, and filling in the required data. Upon successful processing by the tax administration of DDČ Tax Authorities of other EU member Country, you will receive a VAT refund directly to your account.

Registering foreign companies for VAT purposes and reporting to the Tax administration

By entering Croatia into the EU, all companies are required to apply the rules of the Member State in which they have their head office or permanent establishment when invoicing and paying VAT.

In other words, companies operating in Croatia that have their head office in other European Union countries are obliged to ask the Croatian tax authority for tax VAT-ID ID number and to pay VAT in Croatia.

UHY can help – we will apply for registration for VAT purposes and identification and allocation of the OIB (Personal Identification Number), but also keep legal tax records and submit a monthly VAT form and any other statutory forms.

What documentation is required to submit an application for the allocation of VAT ID number:

In addition to these requirements it is necessary to provide:

Cloud accounting

We meet working in a cloud on a daily basis: tax receipts, internet banking, mobile apps, e-mail… Today’s lifestyle seeks a faster, simpler and more accessible way of doing business.

To keep track of current business trends in our region, but also on the basis of the rich experience of the UHY network, we have enabled our clients with the most modern and secure cloud accounting. 

Cloud Accounting allows you to deliver all the accounts electronically, from the comfort of your office or business premises, using your computer or mobile phone. Also, all business data is up-to-date and available with a single mouse click or one touch of your phone’s screen.

Why Cloud Accounting?

How secure is the data?

We use the latest technologies for data security, and we use encryption methods to transmit data over the Internet (from server to user), so that data is inoperable for malicious persons who could intercept data.

Ivana Zec
Partner / Director, Certified Tax Advisor
Phone: 021 381 120

Priprema projekta za natječaje za EU natječaje za poduzetnike

U cilju smanjenja značajnih gospodarskih i socijalnih razlika svojih članica, ali i povećanja konkurentnosti europskog gospodarstva, EU je, u okviru provođenja kohezijske politike (tzv.politike solidarnosti), osigurala sredstva za manje razvijene članice, među kojima je i Hrvatska. 

Operativni program Konkurentnost i kohezija 2014.- 2020. je temeljni programski dokument kojim je Hrvatskoj osigurano 6,8 milijardi eura za rast i razvoj radnih mjesta kroz ulaganja u infrastrukturu te razvoj poduzetništva i istraživačkih djelatnosti.

UHY stručnjaci s više od 40 uspješno pripremljenih projekata mogu pomoći poduzetnicima kod: 

razrade poduzetničke ideje
prikupljanja i sortiranja natječajne dokumentacije
strukturne i jezične prilagodbe dokumentacije za EU fondove.

Boris Pekić
Partner / direktor, Ovlašteni procjenitelj
Phone: 021 612 673

Everything a successful business needs

“The only part of the business I don’t worry about are the things that UHY takes care. So much peace of mind.”

“Expertise and professionalism-those are  the words to describe UHY. Even when we changed our headquarters and left Split, we decided to keep the accounting as we did not want to take a chance on someone new. In seven years of cooperation, they have proven  their professionalism and knowledge on numerous occasions by performing without errors and on time. “

“In the last seven years, we have collaborated with UHY HB EKONOM Ltd. on several projects. To have a contractor you can trust and at the same time is so highly professional such as UHY, makes it easier for us to work on current affairs and leaves us precious time to manage our development and growth. We never need to worry because accounting is under control.”

“We have been assured of the superior reliability and professionalism of the UHY team during our long term cooperation. It is difficult to make a mistake with UHY, but if it does happen, UHY always has quality and quick solutions.”

“We have been cooperating with UHY HB EKONOM Ltd. for many years, and I can say we have developed a valuable relationship. With their professional, confidential and, above all,expert approach, UHY made significant contributions to the development of the potential of our company.  We wish to continue to successfully collaborate together to raise the bar of quality and success in business. “

“We have been collaborating successfully with UHY for many years. It feels good to be able to dedicate the time on developing and improving our own business, knowing that we have someone to turn to with questions and problems anytime, and that we will always receive timely and professional answers. In times of constant changes in legislation, to have a partner relationship that is friendly but still and above all professional is a rarity. UHY is an excellent example of successful business collaboration that creates a different business environment that is always motivating us to simply be better!”

“We have been working with UHY for several years and they have proven to be a good and reliable partner. Their expertise and excellent tips have enabled our business to be more successful and straightforward. “

“Expertise and professionalism-those are  the words to describe UHY. Even when we changed our headquarters and left Split, we decided to keep the accounting as we did not want to take a chance on someone new. In seven years of cooperation, they have proven  their professionalism and knowledge on numerous occasions by performing without errors and on time. “

“UHY HB EKONOM is our long term partner with whom we have a very pleasant cooperation. The extremely professional UHY team is always at our disposal, and we are particularly proud of how we jointly educate charter companies about financial concerns. “

“UHY is made up of professional, responsible and competent experts who are always streaming to find solutions for the client. They are our first choice for tax and business consulting, and we recommend them gladly to our clients and partners.”

“Thanks to UHY book keeping has never been easier. “

A new milestone for an ambitious network! Global accountancy network UHY International has unveiled its new brand identity – its first major rebrand since 2004. Network adopts new branding as rise in cross-border work strengthens the network’s growth! Network adopts new tagline “Connect to Possibility”   The new brand – which includes a far-reaching overhaul […]
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We celebrate 25 years of business in October 2020! We have been a member of UHY International since 2007. Since then we have grown more than five times! We started working in October 1995 as an accounting company HB EKONOM, and since then we have grown into the UHY in Croatia group, which gathers 48 experts in […]
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Business journal has conducted an interview with a director Budisa Helena, in addition to the UHY research on the use of globalization. Mrs Budisa has also addressed the above research and answered to a series of questions about foreign investors in Croatia.
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According to the newest study of UHY, Croatia is one of the best placed countries in a world’s race in exploiting globalization, which could be the backbone of a positive  economic growth in future.
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