Business Consulting

Poslovno savjetovanje podrazumijeva razvoj strategije i optimizaciju poslovanja čiji je rezultat  poboljšani učinak i efikasnost poduzeća. UHY poslovni savjetnici su specijalisti  za financije, a svoje iskustvo temelje u dugogodišnjem uspješnom radu i rezultatima malih i srednjih poduzeća. 


Business Consultants


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UHY experts in 100 countries around the world

Establishment and registration of companies and foreign subsidiaries

The procedure for establishing a company or a subsidiary in Croatia is precisely the same for foreign citizens, as well as for citizens residing in Croatia, with the fact that foreign citizens, in most cases, request the services of local experts to avoid linguistic misunderstandings and administration traps.

Procedure for opening a company in Croatia for foreign citizens:

Valuation of companies

Want to find out how much your business is worth? UHY experts prepared valuation of companies to interested parties because they are important for: 

Valuation of an enterprise represents the range of values ​​of a particular enterprise. The base of any valuation should be proper due diligence, credible documents, interviews, and test plans- all of which our expert UHY team can offer you.

There are three basic methods for business valuation:

Valuing a company (defining a fair price), is the most complex service that requires specific knowledge and the use of particular methods. UHY experts are experienced in valuing your business, they understand your business, and will choose a combination of the best ways for calculating your company value.

Darko Prpić
Sudski vještak za financije, računovodstvo i vrijednosne papire
Phone: 01 390 6374

Business diagnostics

Business diagnostics involves reviewing historical financial statements, company documentation, and discussions with employees to identify potential business difficulties and propose restructuring measures.

Diagnostics can also be an overview of the profitability of a particular product/service within the company, individual sales markets, profit centers, employees, and similar.

Boris Pekić
Partner / direktor, Ovlašteni procjenitelj
Phone: 021 612 673

Business idea checks (financial and tax checks and consulting)

Why do only some ideas become suitable investments, and most end up as a complete failure?

Before embarking on an entrepreneurial venture, good advice is to make sure your idea can also become an excellent business opportunity.

What discerns an idea from an excellent business opportunity?
An excellent business opportunity should meet the following parameters:

Boris Pekić
Partner / direktor, Ovlašteni procjenitelj
Phone: 021 612 673
Darko Prpić
Sudski vještak za financije, računovodstvo i vrijednosne papire
Phone: 01 390 6374

Financial restructuring

Financial restructuring is carried out in case of financial difficulties of the company, but also to increase the solvency of the company or avoid higher tax levies.

When difficulties arise, the most important thing is to act quickly to avoid the worst-case scenario – bankruptcy of the company.

What does that mean? Reduce costs and increase net profitability.

The process of financial restructuring can be summarized in these few steps:

Posljednji korak je ostavljen za restrukturiranje bilance, odnosno optimizaciju troškova i traženje novih izvora za refinanciranje poslovanja. 

Boris Pekić
Partner / direktor, Ovlašteni procjenitelj
Phone: 021 612 673

Pre-Feasibility Design, Feasibility Study, CBA Analysis

For Croatia to make the most of the available financial support from EU funds, complex bidding documents need to be prepared, ie, each major project needs to prove its justification through a compulsory feasibility study and a cost-benefit analysis – CBA. 

How is the cost-effectiveness of an EU-funded project defined?

The primary task of EU projects is to bring benefits to the community, so those are mainly projects such as building hospitals, roads, schools, landfills. This group also includes larger private enterprise projects that can bring long-term benefits to the broader community.

Creating a feasibility study with cost-benefit analysis is a complex task,  performed by external consultants with relevant expertise and references for project applicants.

Boris Pekić
Partner / direktor, Ovlašteni procjenitelj
Phone: 021 612 673

Development of plans for the overall development of LSG

The Total Development Program (PUR) is a primary strategic document of municipalities and cities, drafted for planning, implementing, and controlling the execution of development projects.

It is also a basic document in applying for EU funds and attracting foreign investors, as it addresses all strategic plans of the public, civil and private sectors, aligned with the strategic guidelines for the development of the county and the state.

Consultants, representatives of the local government, the private sector, and non-governmental organizations are involved in the preparation of the documents. Their common task is to analyze the current situation, define projects with a focus on priorities, set goals, and list all available sources of funding.

UHY experts have years of experience in developing a dozen Projects for the overall development of specific municipalities and cities in the Republic of Croatia.

JLS Asset Management Strategy

Ulaskom u Europsku uniju (EU), hrvatske općine i gradovi imaju mogućnost povlačenja bespovratnih sredstava iz EU, a temelj za apliciranje na natječaje su strategije razvoja i slični strateški planovi razvoja jedinica lokalne samouprave (JLS).

Strateški planovi razvoja općina i gradova su ključni dokumenti, koji prikazuju smjer razvoja određenog područja, u smislu dugoročnog i održivog upravljanja imovinom, ali i rješavanja gorućih pitanja, kao što su natalitet, nezaposlenost, infrastrukturna pitanja itd. 

Ciljevi i prioriteti postavljeni u strategiji razvoja trebaju biti usklađeni s programskim ciljevima smjernica EU postavljenim za programsko razdoblje 2014-2020. 

UHY stručnjaci sudjelovali su u izradi desetak strateških dokumenata za hrvatske općine, koje su izradom jedinstvenog strateškog dokumenta definirali svoj budući opstanak i razvoj, te postavili temelje za buduća ulaganja.

Karlo Mrvić
Senior Consultant
Phone: 021 612 673

Priprema projekta za natječaje za EU natječaje za poduzetnike

U cilju smanjenja značajnih gospodarskih i socijalnih razlika svojih članica, ali i povećanja konkurentnosti europskog gospodarstva, EU je, u okviru provođenja kohezijske politike (tzv.politike solidarnosti), osigurala sredstva za manje razvijene članice, među kojima je i Hrvatska. 

Operativni program Konkurentnost i kohezija 2014.- 2020. je temeljni programski dokument kojim je Hrvatskoj osigurano 6,8 milijardi eura za rast i razvoj radnih mjesta kroz ulaganja u infrastrukturu te razvoj poduzetništva i istraživačkih djelatnosti.

UHY stručnjaci s više od 40 uspješno pripremljenih projekata mogu pomoći poduzetnicima kod: 

razrade poduzetničke ideje
prikupljanja i sortiranja natječajne dokumentacije
strukturne i jezične prilagodbe dokumentacije za EU fondove.

Boris Pekić
Partner / direktor, Ovlašteni procjenitelj
Phone: 021 612 673

Everything a successful business needs

“The only part of the business I don’t worry about are the things that UHY takes care. So much peace of mind.”

“Expertise and professionalism-those are  the words to describe UHY. Even when we changed our headquarters and left Split, we decided to keep the accounting as we did not want to take a chance on someone new. In seven years of cooperation, they have proven  their professionalism and knowledge on numerous occasions by performing without errors and on time. “

“In the last seven years, we have collaborated with UHY HB EKONOM Ltd. on several projects. To have a contractor you can trust and at the same time is so highly professional such as UHY, makes it easier for us to work on current affairs and leaves us precious time to manage our development and growth. We never need to worry because accounting is under control.”

“We have been assured of the superior reliability and professionalism of the UHY team during our long term cooperation. It is difficult to make a mistake with UHY, but if it does happen, UHY always has quality and quick solutions.”

“We have been cooperating with UHY HB EKONOM Ltd. for many years, and I can say we have developed a valuable relationship. With their professional, confidential and, above all,expert approach, UHY made significant contributions to the development of the potential of our company.  We wish to continue to successfully collaborate together to raise the bar of quality and success in business. “

“We have been collaborating successfully with UHY for many years. It feels good to be able to dedicate the time on developing and improving our own business, knowing that we have someone to turn to with questions and problems anytime, and that we will always receive timely and professional answers. In times of constant changes in legislation, to have a partner relationship that is friendly but still and above all professional is a rarity. UHY is an excellent example of successful business collaboration that creates a different business environment that is always motivating us to simply be better!”

“We have been working with UHY for several years and they have proven to be a good and reliable partner. Their expertise and excellent tips have enabled our business to be more successful and straightforward. “

“Expertise and professionalism-those are  the words to describe UHY. Even when we changed our headquarters and left Split, we decided to keep the accounting as we did not want to take a chance on someone new. In seven years of cooperation, they have proven  their professionalism and knowledge on numerous occasions by performing without errors and on time. “

“UHY HB EKONOM is our long term partner with whom we have a very pleasant cooperation. The extremely professional UHY team is always at our disposal, and we are particularly proud of how we jointly educate charter companies about financial concerns. “

“UHY is made up of professional, responsible and competent experts who are always streaming to find solutions for the client. They are our first choice for tax and business consulting, and we recommend them gladly to our clients and partners.”

“Thanks to UHY book keeping has never been easier. “

A new milestone for an ambitious network! Global accountancy network UHY International has unveiled its new brand identity – its first major rebrand since 2004. Network adopts new branding as rise in cross-border work strengthens the network’s growth! Network adopts new tagline “Connect to Possibility”   The new brand – which includes a far-reaching overhaul […]
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CLIENT ADVOCACY HOW TO MAKE CLIENTS FEEL LIKE PARTNERS Everyone in business knows that the relationships we develop with clients and customers are crucial. The closer those relationships are, the more successful both parties tend to be. But in a world that is both digitally focused and increasingly competitive, providing good products or services is […]
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Training equips your team for better client service Clients expect professional service providers to offer the most up to date expertise and advice. Naturally, they expect us to be familiar with relevant legislation changes, regulatory reform, reporting standards and so on. But rightly, they demand more. They want professional service providers that are equipped with […]
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As a tax advisor, I often find myself thinking about the tax implication of various new situations brought by digitalization, in terms of sale of goods and services and in terms of income taxation. One of the newer phenomena in this area are people who travel the world and while enjoying their vacation do their […]
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We celebrate 25 years of business in October 2020! We have been a member of UHY International since 2007. Since then we have grown more than five times! We started working in October 1995 as an accounting company HB EKONOM, and since then we have grown into the UHY in Croatia group, which gathers 48 experts in […]
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Business journal has conducted an interview with a director Budisa Helena, in addition to the UHY research on the use of globalization. Mrs Budisa has also addressed the above research and answered to a series of questions about foreign investors in Croatia.
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According to the newest study of UHY, Croatia is one of the best placed countries in a world’s race in exploiting globalization, which could be the backbone of a positive  economic growth in future.
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