Accounting and financial monitoring of EU projects

One of the main responsibilities of EU beneficiaries is to properly account for EU funds and to ensure an audit trail. What are the specificities of monitoring the financial flow of EU projects, what are the obligations of users, what are the differences between budgetary and non-budgetary users – learn at this hands-on one-day training

1 day

The training lasts for 1 day, and the time will be announced later.

February 2020

The workshop will be held at the Obzor College, Kopilica 21A, in Split

1,000.00 HRK + VAT

20% discount for UHY in Croatia clients, groups, students and the unemployed. Registration fee includes workshop presentations, a sandwich and a refreshing drink

The workshop is designed as an overview of accounting and financial monitoring and management of EU projects with specific examples. To properly prepare and effectively manage all aspects of the preparation and implementation of EU projects, everyone involved should acquire key knowledge about EU funds. All specified will be presented in the introductory part of the workshop.

The workshop is intended for employees of organizations that plan to use or are already using EU funds (companies, non-profit organizations, cities, scientific institutions). It is intended primarily for persons participating in the project implementation phase: accounting and financial professionals, administrators, project managers, lawyers, and responsible persons of the institutions.

Also, the workshop is intended for employees of accounting firms (external service providers) who deal or plan to deal with clients who use EU funds to supplement their knowledge necessary for proper project monitoring.

Detailed content description

Andrea Omašić
Certified Auditor and Partner at UHY HB EKONOM

Andrea Omasic is a Partner at UHY HB EKONOM Ltd and a Certified Auditor, specializing in clients in audit engagements, particularly audits of the financial statements of large and medium-sized companies.

Andrea is the Audit Director, responsible for the organization and execution of audit engagements and managing a team of professionals specialized in auditing of financial statements, agreed-upon procedures and reviews, and other audit engagements. Daily tasks include working on audit engagements, organizing and conducting audit engagements accordingly with the requirements of International Auditing Standards, accounting and business consulting for clients.

In his career, Andrea participated, as an audit team member or an audit partner, in audits of more than 80 companies, including working on audits of financial statements of banks, listed companies and large companies. As an auditing partner, he participated in due diligence audit procedures, forensic audit procedures and company valuations.

He is the certified lecturer of the Croatian Audit Chamber with the consent of the Ministry of Finance in the continuing professional education of certified auditors in the Republic of Croatia.  He is the author and lecturer of professional papers at the traditional autumn conference “Accounting, Auditing and Taxes in Practice” and a guest lecturer at the Audit Courses at the Faculty of Economics, University of Split.

He is the author and permanent lecturer in accounting, tax, and audit topics at the UHY Training Center.

Andrea joined the UHY HB EKONOM team in January 2012, after graduating from the Faculty of Economics in Split as an intern in auditing and has progressed to a respectable expert in the field of audit and accounting consulting.
Ivo Šarić
Project Implementation Manager UHY CONSULTING

Ivo Saric is the Project Implementation Manager. His day-to-day tasks include coordinating the project implementation team and advising clients in all aspects of project implementation co-financed by the European Structural and Investment Funds. This requires specific knowledge in public procurement, finance, project management methodology, and legal provisions governing different areas of EU projects. 

He has been in the world of EU funds since 2013. He has gained experience in the preparation and implementation of over 60 projects in the fields of economy, infrastructure, cultural heritage, science, and education, the largest of which is EU co-financing for over HRK 80 million.

He participated in the preparation and implementation of over 70 public procurement procedures for entities liable and not liable to the  Public Procurement act. He also regularly acts as a lecturer for the company, at educational programs in the fields of preparation and implementation of EU projects.

Ivo graduated with a degree in Business Economics from the Faculty of Economics in Split. He is an active user of the English language. He additionally completed and continues to receive training in the field of project preparation and implementation, as well as in the field of public procurement in Croatia and abroad. His interests and previous work experience in various fields such as civil society, science, IT, manufacturing, construction, commerce, and tourism helped him to see the broader picture of every project he is involved in.

He is the author and permanent lecturer in accounting, tax, and audit topics at the UHY Training Center.

Andrea joined the UHY HB EKONOM team in January 2012, after graduating from the Faculty of Economics in Split as an intern in auditing and has progressed to a respectable expert in the field of audit and accounting consulting.

Title: Accounting and financial monitoring of EU projects 

Date: February 2020 

Location: Obzor College, Kopilica 21A, Split 

Registration fee: 1.000,00 HRK + VAT 

Discounts: 20% discount, price from 800,00kn + VAT for: 

Groups (2 or more persons from the same company/institution) Students and unemployed persons UHY in Croatia clients

“Thanks to UHY book keeping has never been easier. Friendly and open relations, outstanding professional performance it is a pleasure to work with you.”

“Jedini aspekt posla oko kojeg se ne brinem je dio za koji je zadužen UHY. To je neprocjenivo.”

“UHY čine profesionalni, odgovorni i kompetentni stručnjaci koji su uvijek usmjereni na pronalaženje rješenja za klijenta. Naš su prvi izbor za poslove poreznog i poslovnog savjetovanja te ih rado preporučujem klijentima i partnerima.”

“UHY HB EKONOM je naš dugogodišnji partner s kojim nas veže jako ugodna suradnja. Iznimno stručan UHY team nam uvijek stoji na raspolaganju, a naročito smo ponosni na to kako zajedničkim snagama educiramo charter kompanije o svim financijski nedoumicama.”

“Sa UHY-jem poslujemo već nekoliko godina i pokazali su se kao dobar i pouzdan partner. Stručnost i odlični savjeti su omogućili naše poslovanje uspješnijim i jednostavnijim.”

“Stručnost i profesionalnost – to su riječi kojima se najbolje može opisati UHY. I kad smo promjenili sjedište tvrtke i otišli iz Splita, odlučili smo zadržati računovodstvo jer nismo htjeli riskirati s nekim novim. U sedam godina suradnje nebrojeno puta su pokazali svoju stručnost i znanje, radeći bez grešaka i na vrijeme.”

“Bravo UHY! S tvrtkom UHY HB EKONOM d.o.o. surađujemo od 2008. godine; mislim da smo bili prva charter kompanija s kojom rade te imamo jako dobru suradnju. S naše strane je super što UHY, osim samog knjigovodstva, radi i reviziju koju smo nekoliko puta koristili te je naša poruka – samo naprijed!”

“S društvom UHY HB EKONOM d.o.o surađujemo dugi niz godina imogu reći da smo razvili vrijedan prijateljsko-suradnički odnos. Svojim profesionalnim, povjerljivim i nadasve stručnim pristupom UHY HB EKONOM je dao značajan doprinos razvoju potencijala unutar našeg društva. Želimo i dalje uspješno surađivati i zajedno podizati ljestvicu kvalitete i uspješnosti i poslovanju.”

“Dugogodišnjom suradnjom smo se uvjerili u vrhunsku pouzdanost i profesionalnost UHY tima. Uz UHY je teško praviti greške, a ako se i pogriješi UHY uvijek imate kvalitetno i brzo rješenje. Hvala što nas pratite već treće desetljeće.”

“Posljednjih sedam godina smo surađivali s UHY HB EKONOM d.o.o. na nekoliko projekata. Imati vanjskog suradnika od povjerenja, a u isto vrijeme na izrazito visokoj razini stručnosti kao što je UHY HB EKONOM olakšava nam rad na tekućim poslovima, te nam ostavlja dragocjeno vrijeme da se bavimo vlastitim razvojem i rastom, ne vrinući se nikada jer je knjigovodstvo pod kontrolom.”

“S tvrtkom UHY vrlo uspješno surađujemo već dugi niz godina. S zadovoljstvom možemo istaknunti kako je iznimno ugodno kad se možeš posvetiti razvijanju i unapređenju vlastitog posla znajući da se, naravno za teme koje nisu u opisu osnovne djelatnosti, u svakom trenutku možeš obratiti s bilo kojim pitanjem ili problemom i uvijek dobiti pravovremen i stručan odgovor, prijedloge za rješavanje a obično i rješenje samog problema. U današnje vrijeme kad se promjene zakonodavnog i poslovnog okruženja događaju brzo, imati takve partnere i odnos koji je priajteljski ali uvijek i iznad svega profesionalan, prava je rijetkost koju s veseljem rado ističem kao sjajan primjer odlične poslovne suradnje i stvaranja jednog novog, sasvim drugačijeg poslovnog okruženja koje nam je itekako potrebno i koje nas uvijek iznova motivira da jednostavno budemo bolji.”

“S grupacijom UHY iz Splita surađujemo već dugi niz godina na obostrano zadvoljstvo. Naša suradnja obuhvaća više njihovih usluga, od poreznog savjetovanja i revizije do korištenja EU fondova i mjera potpore gospodarstvenicima RH. Uspješno smo odradili tehničku obnovu i uređenje hotela u četiri uzastopne godine te iskoristili bespovratna sredstva. Prilikom realizacije otvorenja novog aparthotela smo također uspješno odradili program poticaja za financiranje putem HAMAG-BICRO te program poticaja ulaganjima MINGO-a. S veseljem nastavljamo našu suradnju i nadamo se novim projetkima.”